Wednesday 19 June 2013

Man Injects Himself with a Computer Virus, is World's First

A researcher from the U.K, Mark Gasson, has become the first person in the world to beinfected by a computer virus. Technically speaking, the chip that Gasson inserted into his hand is infected, "which one could argue keeps the virus limited to the domain of the chip even though it lives inside the man." Continue reading for the news report and more information. But Gasson, of the University of Reading's School of Systems Engineering, suggests this argument is immaterial because he is demonstrating that increasingly sophisticated medical implants will become vulnerable to computer viruses. Which means that those implants that are vital to a human's health and survival could, if corrupted, compromise the health--and potentially the survival--of the carrier.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice description about Computer Virus.Thanks for your help..

