Tuesday 11 June 2013


"Memory enlarges our world. Without it, we would lack a sense of continuity and each morning encounter a stranger staring back from the mirror. Each day and event would exist in isolation; we could neither learn from the past nor anticipate the future.". Next Level.


Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken withing the hearing of little children tends towards the formation of character. Education is the leading of human souls to what is best, and making what is best out of them. Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource. Education is significant whether formal or informal.


The only secret about success is that there is no secret to success. These principles appear to be secrets, because only a very minute percentage of the population of the planet have applied themselves to to the application of these and other related principles.


The small courtesies sweeten life. Be courteous to all but intimate with few. Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once.


Everything about planet earth indicates that it was made to support life. When you use your instinct, it actually work out good for you. It is well. BY: Olarewaju Blessing


Water is an enigma. It is both simple and complex. Each molecule comprises just 3 atoms-2 Hydrogen and one oxygen. Yet scientist still do not fully understand how water molecules work. What we all know, though, is that water is essential to life, making up 80% by weight of all living things. Consider just five attributes of this amazing substance. 1. Water can store a lot of heat without a substantial rise in temperature, thus helping to moderate climate. 2. Water expands when it freezes, causing ice to float and form an insulating layer. 3. Water is highly transparent, enabling light-dependent organism to survive to considerable. 4. Water molecules produce surface tension, creating an elastic "skin". This tension enables insects to scamper about on a pond, causes water to form into droplets, and contributes to the capillary effect, which helps water to hydrate the talles plants. 5. Water is the most efficient solvent known. It is able to carry in solution oxygen, carbon dioxide, salt minerals, and many other vital substances. Water is a universal solvent. WRITTEN BY: Olarewaju Blessing

Security stepped up at Mandela hospital

South African police on Tuesday tightened security at the Pretoria hospital where ailing anti-apartheidicon Nelson Mandelawas spending his fourth day in intensive care battling a lung infection. Around a dozen armed police stood guard outside the Mediclinic Heart Hospital in the capital, where the 94-year-old remained in "seriousbut stable" condition. Anti-apartheid hero Mandela, one of the greatest figures of the 20th century, is being treated for a recurrent lung infection that medical experts saycould be life threatening. Tuesday marked 49years to the day since he was sentenced to life in prison in 1964 for conspiring to overthrow the apartheid government. Mandela spent much of the subsequent 27 years behind bars on wind-swept Robben Island, nearCape Town, where he contracted tuberculosis. His latest health scare has been met with prayers and a growing acceptanceamong South Africans that their hero, who became the first black leader of the country after historic all-race elections in 1994, may be nearing the end of his life. In Pretoria, police cordoned off an area in front of the private specialist facility, searching incoming vehicles and pedestrians amid a heavy media presence. "They are there to protect the members of his family who come to visit him," a police sergeant told AFP, asking not to be named because Mandela's location has not been confirmed by the government. On Monday, the arrival of his former wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and the couple's daughter Zindzi prompted a scuffle between security and photographers camped outside the clinic. Madikizela-Mandela became a global political figure in herown right while campaigning for her husband's release from prison. His current wife Grace Machel called off a trip to London last week to be with her ailing husband. Little information has been released about Mandela's condition, but he has a long history of lung problems since being diagnosed with early-stage tuberculosis in 1988. It is the fourth hospital stay since December for the Nobel Peace Prize winner and father of the "Rainbow Nation". Two months ago Mandela, who turns 95 next month, was discharged following treatmentfor pneumonia. In December he underwent surgery to remove gallstones as he recovered from a lung infection. In March he was admitted for a scheduled overnight check-up before returning later that month for10 days. "Pneumonia is a killer disease," said Professor Keertan Dheda, the head of pulmonology at the University of Cape Town. "In Mr Mandela's case, besides age, we know that he has previously had tuberculosis and that can weaken the lung defences and make one more prone to infections," he said. "Secondly we know that Mandela worked in the quarry on Robben Island for many years and he has been chronically exposed to dust, from crushing rocks and we know that also is a potent suppressor of your efficient lung defences." But Dheda said assurances that Mandela, once a spry boxer, was breathing on his own indicated that the infection had not yet led to serious lung failure. Access to the revered statesman has been restricted to close family members. In late April, President Jacob Zuma and top party officials were photographed with an unsmiling Mandela looking exceedingly frail at his Johannesburg home. The visit prompted allegations that theembattled ruling party was exploiting Mandela for political gain. The ANC -- facing 2014 elections -- has lost much of its Mandela shine amid widespread corruption, poverty and poor public services. Mandela has not been seen in public since the World Cup final in South Africa in July 2010, and has not been politically active for years. "I think there will beconcerns from outside South Africathat Mandela is seen as the glue that holds South Africa together," analyst Daniel Silke told AFP. "But I think that this is something long gone frankly." After serving just one term as president, Mandela turned his energy to the battle against AIDS and to conflict resolution, before stepping outof the public eye a decade ago at the age of 85. His hospitalisation has prompted an outpouring of well wishes from around the globe, including from fellow Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu. "We offer our thanks to God for the extraordinary gift of Mr Mandela, and wish his family strength," Tutu saidin a statement fromhis foundation. "As the beloved father of our nation... once again endures the ravages of time in hospital, our prayers are for his comfort and his dignity."AFP

G8 Protests: Riot Police Deployed InLondon

Riot vans and a strong police presence have beendeployed in London amid demonstrations ahead of the G8 conference. Around 100 police officers were in Soho, central London, where protesters with banners were believed to be occupying a former police station in Beak Street. Sky News' Jason Farrell said police had entered the building in an attempt to clear it while half a dozen people in masks were stood on the fire escape and in a court yard "for a possible last stand". The demonstrators had said they wouldstage a "Carnival Against Capitalism" across London before the two-day summit, hosted by Britain, in Northern Ireland next week. Some of the world's biggest hedge funds, private equity firms and banks have warned their staff to take precautions in the event of disruption after similar protests in recent years led to violent clashes with police, vandalism and buildings being temporarily occupied. Westminster City Council cabinet member for city management Ed Argar said: "Our warden teams will be working with police to manage the streets and we also have clean-up crews on standby. "Everyone respects the right to legitimate protest and I hope this will be a day without incident. "However, business people, shop staff and visitors have the right to go about the West End without intimidationor interference and we will do our best to ensure the centre of London runs smoothly." There were reports on Twitter of a strong police presence in the Oxford Circus and Regent Street area of central London and Golden Square, close to Beak Street. Designer Jamie Rees, tweeting under @jamie--rees, reported: "Locked into work. Literally. G8 protestors outside targeting Golden Square." Another Ed McClaran, @edmcclaran, tweeted: "Big G8 protest outside our offices today. People chaining themselves to railings. Why they are in the West End and not the City, I don't know." Police protection of landmark sites across Belfast has been tightened in advance of the conference next week. The leaders of the world's eight wealthiest countries, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, are due to meet at the luxury Lough Erne resort in Co Fermanagh. Culled from Sky News

How To Become A Good father.

Admittedly,it is not easy to be a good father.But there are basic principles that can help.many fathers have found that they and their families benefit when they apply these tips. 1)Make time for your family. 2)Good Fathers are good communicators. 3)Give loving discipline and commendation. 4)Love and Respect your wife. 5)Apply God's practical wisdom. 6)A Good Father is never too too Busy for his family.