Tuesday 18 June 2013


Your skin will have to last youa lifetime. You might as well take care of it as much as youcan. Try these steps to pamper and maintain healthy skin. EditSteps 1 Stay Hydrated.Stay Hydrated. Water is an amazing beauty product. 8 glasses a day will give your skin a noticeable glow, and you'll feel much better in the process. 2 Exfoliate.Exfoliate. For a home remedy, mix sugar and olive/almond/coconut oil.(whichever is available) Rub in circular motions over the body. Rinse thoroughly. 3. Bathe.Bathe. For healthy, antioxidant-nourished skin, add at least 3 tea bags while the water is running for a bath. While you bask in this bath, take 2 of those tea bags and rest them on your eyes to avoid tiredness and puffiness. 4 Begin a skin regime.Begin a skin regime. Make sure it consists of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing the face. The extra money will go to good use. 5 Shave the right way.Shave the right way. Do itwhile in the shower, about 3 minutes after entering the shower. (this will soften hairs). Try shaving with waterand foaming shaving gel instead of soap, since soap may dry the skin out when used for shaving. 6 Don't neglect the skin under your hair! To maintain a healthy scalp, apply vaseline to it every few days.Don't neglect the skin under your hair! To maintain a healthy scalp, apply vaseline to it every fewdays. For a dry, flaky scalp or dandruff, apply apple cidervinegar and rinse out. (no dandruff shampoo needed) 7 Slather on a rich body lotion after every shower/bath.Slather on a rich body lotion after every shower/bath. Lotion with shea butter is amazingly moisturizing, not to mention it smells great.


Even after being a good sleeper for over 75 years, you can suddenly develop severe insomniaout of the blue. It can hit anyone and anyage. Surprisingly, one in every three people complain about insomnia. Not only is this the inability to fall asleep, but it also involves not being able to stay asleep or continually waking up earlier than planned. Here's how to practice techniques to help you win the fight and be insomnia-free. EditSteps 1 Go to bedand get upatthe same time every night (including weekends). Keep the same routineevery night at bedtime. Brush teeth, take a bath, change into night clothing, say good-night to your family, turn off the lights in exactly the same order every night. 2Avoid getting into conversation, an argument, upsetting news or talk shows, and do not make a late-night list of all the unfinished worries for tomorrow. 3Get a check-up from your physician. Your insomnia could be the result ofa medical problem or chemical imbalance. For example, a mildcase of something such as bipolardisorder can cause periods of "cycling" insomnia without causing mood swings. 4Explore potential causes. Insomnia is considered a symptom of an underlying condition, which may or may not be easy to identify. The most common root causes are tension, anxietyand depression. Other causes could be pain, major illnesses, medications, dietary and lifestyle factors, environmental factors, or justa bad mattress. Trying to find the underlying cause to your sleep problems is the best way to finding a cure. 5Avoid the following forup to six hours before bedtime: Alcoholmay help you relaxin the short term, however, chronic use can lead to insomnia and even a small amount can cause disruptive and fitful sleep and early wakening. Caffeineis a stimulant found inmany common substances including coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate and many medicines. Obviously anystimulantis going to make sleeping harder. And, you will probably wake sooner or more often. Nicotine, most commonly foundin tobacco products, is a verypowerful drug that can act as either a stimulant or a depressant, depending on thesetof the person taking it. As a stimulant nicotine can be highly disruptive to sleep patterns. Avoid beverages that contain ginseng, Guarana, kola or cola nut, and ginger. Heavy meals: eating a great meal soon before attempting to sleep can be awkward. Food creates energy, and energy keeps you awake. In addition falling asleep before fully digesting a large meal can cause indigestion, heartburnand fitful sleep. Inversely, going to bed hungrycan also contribute to restlessness. 6 Exercisevigorously at least thirty minutes sometime during the day. Walkingis excellent. Just don't exercise within three hours of bedtime. 7Try to get at least one hour of direct sunlight each day. This may be difficult in winteror bad weather, but the proper amount of sunlight regulates the body's "sleep-wake" cycle. 8Try natural sleep aids: this is rather than drugging yourself with sleeping pillsin order to have a more natural sleep cycle:

Samsung Reveals S4 Galaxy 4G 'Double Speed'

Apple rival Samsung confirms it is about to launch anew chipset S4 Galaxy, with the potential to double its 4G transfer speeds.Electronics giant Samsung plans tosell a variation of its flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone that will transmit data at nearly twice the normal speed, it has confirmed. Mobile business boss and co-chief executive JK Shin said the phone would be on sale in the home market by the end of June. South Korea-based Samsung, the world's biggest technology firm by revenue, saidthe phone would then be rolled out elsewhere. Samsung was in talks with several unnamedoverseas carriers to take the phone. "We'll be the firstwith the commercial launchof the advanced 4G version of thesmartphone," Mr Shin said. The new S4 will use LTE-Advanced 4G technology, an upgrade from conventional 4G called LTE, or long term evolution. LTE-Advanced offers data transmission at up to twice the normal 4G speed. A movie download that takes 3 minutes with conventional4G would take slightly more than 1 minute, Samsung said. The phones will be powered by chips designed by Qualcomm, which has had a mobile phone presence since the 1980s. The announcement comes after Samsung's shares have lostaround £12bn since June 7 after analysts cut forecasts for Galaxy S4 sales by as much as 30% on data showing the high-end smartphone market reaching saturation. The same saturation problem has alsohit sales of the iPhone 5, made by arch rival Apple. Samsung has also released budget Galaxy versions, reducing its margin on those phones. The new phone revelation comesas the South Korean firm madea deal with American hip-hopstar Jay-Z for one million copiesof his latest, unreleased album. The company is giving a million users of existingGalaxy phones a free copy if they download a special app. According to the Wall Street Journal, Samsungpaid Jay-Z $5m (£3.2m) for the one million copiesfor the giveaway- making the rap mogul's Magna Carta Holy Grail album potentially the first album togain platinum status long before its official release.

Homes Fall Into River

People are washed away as buildings topple into the water - around 50 are missing in India's Uttarakhand state.At least 23 people have been killed in northern India after torrential rain and flooding led to homes plunging into the River Ganges and roads being washed away. More than a dozen people died in the Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand state, while another 50 people were missing, said officials. A landslide triggered by the monsoon rains, which arrived weeks ahead of schedule, buried a bus, killing three in Almora district. Heavy rains eroded the soil along the swollenriver, plunging several houses into the water. At least three people were washed away when a three-storey apartmentbuilding toppled into the water and was carried away by the swift-moving current, said government spokesman Amit Chandola. Many residents in the town of Yamunagar in northern Haryana state said they were trapped by the floods. The monsoon rains arrived weeks ahead of schedule "We are caught here as there is water everywhere. There is no way to go. Nobody has come here, even police haven't come here to check if anyone has drowned," said local resident Ajay Singh. Army and paramilitary troops were leading efforts torescue scores ofpeople from the rooftops of their flooded homes. The state government was preparing food parcels and drinking water pouches to be airdropped to villages cut off after roads werewashed away. More than 10,000pilgrims strandedalong a mountain pass leading to aHindu religious site were being evacuated by helicopter after roads to the pilgrimage spot were blocked by landslides. The River Ganges and its tributaries were flowing above the danger mark in several areas in the Himalayan state. "The situation is very grim. The meteorological office has predicted that the rain will continue for another three days at least," said Mr Chandola.

How to Quit Smoking

Nicotine is one of the most addictive, harmful and widely available legal drugs in the world. Smokingis a bad habit and it is annoying and harmfulto people who don't smoke. It harms children who are exposed to it passively. Cigarettes are responsible foraround 4.9 million deaths eachyear. Quitting smoking is not impossible. EditSteps 1Realize that tobacco creates a habit on a variable reinforcement schedule. Sometimes it gets you high. People smoke long after they have any expectation of getting high. At some point, you can combine itwith coffee and alcohol, and it still does not work, but you'vedone it a hundred thousand ormore times by then, and so they areall habit smokes. Sometimes it actually hurts to smoke, and yet people keep doing it. 2Find a strong inner determination to stop smoking. Consider making a listof the reasons you're thinking about quitting to shore up your determination. Specific, current, emotion-based reasons are better than factual, future-based reasons. For instance, "It's embarrassingto ride the elevator at work smelling like a giant cigarette" is more motivating than "I don't want to get cancerwhen I’m 40, 50 or 60." Get some facts. Look up smoking on the internet and find out the history behind it, and what happens to smokerslater on in life. You'll learn about the profit motives behind the industry as well assome medically gruesome reasons to quit. Also, get the facts about any quit-smoking product or technique you're considering, as research shows that some are more effective than others. Your local consumer or community health organization might have comparison charts for you to check out. 3Be positive and confident that you can successfully quit. You have spent time and energy planning how you will deal withthe task ahead by following our tips for giving up smoking.Believe you can and you will do it if you persevere. Use goal accomplishment techniques and regular milestone rewards to stay focused and committed. Always start your new life witha sense of excitement and enjoyment. Give yourself rewards for milestones (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, etc.). For example, if you smoked three packs a week at$4 per pack, after 6 months you would have saved $288, probably even more. Reward yourself with that money. 4Choose a specific quit date. Instead of trying to quit each year on your birthday or for your New Year's Resolution, try quittingon a Monday! And not just next Monday - but every Monday. That gives you 52 chances in a year instead of just one chance––making it more likely that you’ll succeed. The Healthy Monday Campaign, a non-profit national public health campaignassociated with the Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, encourages people to quit smoking and take other healthy actions on Mondays. Between your decision to quit smoking and your "quit date", do not smoke the same brand.The difference in flavors and chemicals will make smoking less enjoyable, but not intolerable. Switching brands also helps to ‘de-automate’ smoking, which can help you become more conscious of your habitand increase your chances for success. Remove all tobacco products, like lighters and matches from your home and office. Also, don't even keep a pack of cigarettes at your home, because it will make it easier to start smoking again.