Monday, 10 June 2013

The 10 Things You Need To Do In Your 20s

Your twenty-somethings are the prime of your life. You will never be as young as you are right now, and there will never be a better time for you to embrace all that the world has to offer than this age of freedom. Yes, freedom. Forget about the accusations that millenials are lazy, unmotivated and lack drive. We all have growing dreams, previous accomplishments under our belts andan ever present sense of urgency to achieve exactly what we want. Your20s aren’t an excuse to give up on dreams and let go of ambitions. Instead, these years are the time to put it in full throttle and hit the ground running to set yourself up for future success and happiness. If you’ve ever doubted yourself, now’s the time to let go of insecurities and uncertainties. Here are the 20 things you need to do in your 20s: 1. Be you. Your 20s are the perfect time to find yourself, if you haven’t already. Take some time to be on your own andlearn about yourself, and most importantly, learn to love yourself. Beunique! Don’t try to fit the mold and blend in with everyone else. Be sexy; be bold. Make your presence known. 2. Struggle. Blunt and to the point. Don’t let yourstruggles define you, but let them happen. Misfortunes make you a better person through thelessons they instill. Troubles will come and go; they are not everlasting. If you’re struggling through tough times, things will only get better. 3. Eat whatever you want. Screw the diet fads and constant pressure to look like the skinniest models on the runway. Working hard to become healthy and get intoshape is one thing, but relax with the strict dieting. Eat whatever you want,and don’t think twice about it. You will not gain ten pounds because you ate that delicious chocolate chip muffin this morning. Food is good. Indulge in a little gluttony sometimes. 4. Date someone completely wrong for you. Dating is fun! Don’t fear blind dates, orpeople that don’t fit“your type.” Go outwith someone unexpected and see what happens. You could fall in love with that one quality that you never really noticed. You might be surprised at just whom you fall for. Even if you endup turned off and bored with the person, at least you have a funny story to tell. 5. Do something purely for the thrill,and maybe more than once. Be a thrill seeker; don’t play it safe. The feeling of excitement is fun and enjoyable. Take some risks, and don’t fear the result. Sometimes going out on a limb and diving into a thrill-seeking experience makes for the best memories. You might not get enough and want todo it again. Just remember — depending on the risk you take — everything is best in moderation. 6. Keep moving. Your 20s are definitely not the time to settle. Keep moving; do not slowdown for anyone oranything. When yousettle down in a certain relationship or way of living, lifebecomes stagnant and soon enough, less exciting. Keep moving to keep up with the quality of life that you deserve in your 20s. 7. Travel the world. There is nothing more rewarding or fulfilling than traveling. Travel the world; explore unfamiliar territory. Soaking up new cultures is one of the best learning experiences, and itopens your eyes tothe quality of life in different areas around the world. You might always have time for travel, but there is no better time to explore with all the freedom in the world than in your 20s. Who knows, you might even come across a place that steals your heart away and you’ll never want to leave. 8. Love your parents, thank them and repay them. Your parents have been the guiding force to your current place in life.Love them for all that they have done for you up to this point because you will hopefully be taking a stronger lead in your life, specifically financially. Thank them for all the times they supported you financially, or personally, despite any poor decisions you may have madein the past. Most importantly, your parents expect nothing fromyou in return for allthat they have attributed to your growth as an individual, but take it upon yourself to repay them in any way you might see fit. 9. Spend good, quality time with your family. Your family has been, and will always be, present in your life. Friendsand romantic partners may come and go, but blood isforever. Take advantage of your freedom during your 20s to spend some quality time with your family andmaybe even get to know them better, now that you’re older and more mature. You will cherish the times with your family when you eventually become the eldest generation. 10. Mend the open wounds. Let go of the bullsh*t in your past. Look at your 20s as a clean canvas. This is a time to release any negative feelings holding you back from moving forward. Heal any open wounds that remain, and accept that there is sometimes no resolution for certain situations. Ifthere might be a way to mend an open-ended problem, then makethe attempt. Do whatever you haveto do to feel free ofany negative restrictions


Dating? At your age? Don’t makeit sound like a disease you’re too old to get! Men and women in their fifties, sixties and even seventies date plenty, whether just for fun or to meeta significant other. Granted, though, it can seem like a daunting prospect if you’ve been out of the game for awhile and are feeling a little rusty. So we’ve tackled the most common issues baby boomers are likely to confront in today’s singles scene. Read on for some very welcome advice. Q: How can I tell if I’m ready to date after a divorce or the death of a spouse? A: When the idea of getting to know a new person feels like agood one — something you’d enjoy as opposed to something friends, family or society at large is pressuring you to do. “If thoughts of dating start with ‘I want’ rather than ‘I should,’ consider this a signal that you're ready to test the waters,” says Leah Klungness, Ph.D., a New York-based psychologist and coauthor of The Complete Single Mother - Reassuring Answers To Your Most Challenging Concerns. Maybe you’ve begun to notice more attractive people out there or have actually caught yourself (gasp!) flirting — two strong signs. And if you’ve started “just looking” at single friends-of-friends online, you’re definitely getting there. Related: The single best decade for dating is... Q: Should I fudge my age to seem more attractive to dating prospects? A: No way, that is definitely a bad idea. “Honesty is the best policy if you care about your long-term credibility,” says Cathy Hamilton , author of The Girlfriends’ Bible on Dating, Mating, and Other Matters of the Flesh . If the person you’redating turns out to be a good fit, you’d be living a lie, or would have to confess your deception eventually. Besides, since when does your age have anything to do with your attractiveness? “Real connection comes from mutual interests and passions, which often stem from shared recollections and similar world views,” asserts Klungness. Q:What are the best places to meet people I’d click with for dating? I’m soover the bar scene. A: Hamilton’s list of suggestions is literally A to Z, from an art gallery to the zoo (and everything in between). “Go to real estate open houses, lectures at the local university, the pool in your apartment complex, group golf or tennis lessons,” Hamilton says. “Start up a conversationover the olive bar at a health food market.” The point is to try new things that interest you but also be open to opportunities in your everyday activities. “Take a bit of extra time to look your best when you go out,” says Klungness. “This will give you the added boost of confidence you may need to approach someone of interest.” Related: Surprising benefits of dating after 50 Q: What’s appropriate when it comes to asking someone out? How long do you have to know someone before you ask him/her for a date? A: Try not to impose rules or limits and just go with your gut. If you encounter someone interesting and the conversation’s flowing at a one-time-only event like a party or a gallery opening, go for it if it feels natural. If you’re likely to see this person again — at a class, say— wait it out a bit if that feels right. With online dating and social media sites, you have the luxury of being able to email or direct message each other first, then segue into a phone conversation and ultimately a face-to-face meeting. No rush, but don’t wait forever, either. Also remember that a date doesn’t have to be a formal, four-houraffair — getting together casually during the day is a great first date, so what could be easier than saying, “Want to grab coffee next week?” Q: I feel foolish approaching someone younger — how do I let someone know I’m interested? A: “The best approach, regardless of the age difference, is to smile, beyourself, and look for common ground,” says Klungness. Age discrepancies mean very little nowadays — relationships with disparities of a decade or more have been known to thrive. Of course, if the idea of asking out a much younger (or older) person makes you uneasy, don’t force yourself. “If you’rereally hesitant to approach a younger person, you might be the one with the issues,” points out Hamilton. “Consider staying in your age bracket until you resolve them.” Related: The reality of datinga younger man Q: After my long-term relationship, I’m just looking for fun, nothing serious. How upfront should I be about this on my date? A: Let your behavior make your intentions clear. “As long as your actions and words areconsistent with fun — no angling for a home-cooked meal, no pleading for help with household repairs — there’s no reason to make a big point of proclaiming time together as‘no strings attached,’” says Klungness. Relationships are fluid, and you may change your mind about what you wantas things progress. However, if your date makes it clear thathe or she is looking to settle down and at the moment you’re not, let him or her knowso as not to lead anyone on.

Samsung launches NX300 Camera

Samsung Electronics West Africa, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Company Limited, a global leader in consumer electronics and digital convergence technologies, has announced the launch ofits latest compact system camera (CSC), the NX300. The launch was in partnership with the world global athletic icon, Usain Bolt, renowned for his extreme focus and speed; making him the ideal champion for the NX300. TheCamera promises an outstanding performance that rivals that the speed of the fastest man in the world. S amsung is also working with Usain Bolt Foundation toprovide photography equipment and lessons to aspiring young photographers. Under the name ‘NX Junior Photographer’, Samsung will help them to achieve their dreams and goals through providing the guidance needed to excel. Managing Director, Samsung Electronics West Africa (SEWA), Mr. Brovo Kim, said that the multiple Olympic goldmedallist and owner of three world records, Usain Bolt is widely acknowledged as the best in his class and the partnership with Samsung will showcase the parallels between Bolt's exceptional status and the features of the NX300, through a host of exciting initiatives. Speaking on some of the features of the device, Director, Hand Held Devices, Samsung Electronics West Africa, Mr. Emmanouil Revmatas, said the NX300 CSC is super-fast with its ability to capture life’s most fleeting moments as well as share them instantaneously. According to him, “Using the Hybrid Auto Focus (AF) system, budding photographers can hone in on subjects quickly and easily, even in crowded locations. Now users can achieve the most precise, high quality results possible with the push of a button. The NX300 can shoot up to 8.6 continuous frames per second with its super-fast 1/6000 sec shutter speed toensure no detail is missed even if the subject of your shot is moving at Bolt's record breaking pace,” he enthused. He added that the fast Wi-Fi connectivity of the NX300 allows users to instantaneously and directly upload their photos to social networking sites or send them to their smartphone simply and easily with AutoShare function, right from their camera so that your network can share your experiences, as they happen. The Samsung Smart Camera NX300 has already receivedcritical acclaim as the Best CSC Advanced in the 2013 Technical Image Press Association Awards, making it the best advanced gadget. Nice gadget.


Never sleep with your contact lenses in unless specifically instructed to do so. [2] Your eyes need regular supplies ofoxygen, and lenses block the flow of oxygen to the eyes, especially during sleep. So doctors recommend a normal period of break for your eyesduring the night. Avoid wearing your contact lenses when swimming. Your lenses could easily slip off your ideas when they come in contact with the surface area of the water. If you are wearing goggles, your contactlenses may be used while swimming. 3 Use allergen-reducing eye drops sparingly . Using an allergen-reducing eye drop during allergy season to 'get the red out' and sooth itchiness may help on a limited basis, but chronic daily use can actually make the problem worse. Allergen-reducing eye drops work by constricting the bloodflow to the cornea, thereby depriving it of oxygen. So while your eyes don't feel inflamed and itchy anymore, they're actually not getting any oxygen from blood. That's not ideal. Using redness-relieving eye drops chronically will cause more redness in your eyes. Your body gets so accustomed to the chemicals inthe eye drops that they no longer work effectively. Read the labels of eye drops carefully; many drops cannot be used while wearing contacts. 4 Use cucumber on your eyelids . Press cold cucumber slices gently againsteyelids 10 minutes before going to sleep at night to prevent puffiness . Cucumbers contain asorbic acid and caffeic acid, which prevent water retention. [3] These compounds help explain why cucumbers are used throughout the world to treat inflammation and dermatitis. Green tea bag may also help prevent puffiness if applied tothe eyes. Soak the tea bag in cold water for a few minutes and place over eyes for 15-20 minutes. The tannins inthe tea should help reduce inflammation. [4] 5 Wear UV protective sunglasses . Get polarized lenses, NOT just darker lenses. The lenses that only make the world darker will just make your pupils dilate and don't do a thing to stop the UV rays.

How to live longer

It is possible to live a longer and healthier life Some aspects of our health and vitality are governed by our genes and how our mother behaves during pregnancy, but many lifestyle factors, including fitness, diet andweight all impact on our ability to live a long and healthy life. Start young Even before we are born, ourhealth can be affected by the lifestyle choices our mother makes. Studies have shown that if an expectant mother is highly stressed this may impact on their baby, leaving them less able to handle stress later in life. Heavy drinking during pregnancy can lead to foetal alcohol syndrome in babies - which can cause a life-long learning disability as well as physical problems. Smoking can also affect their development. Research alsosuggests a pregnant woman's diet can increase herchild's risk of obesity by changing the unborn baby's DNA. Having a happy childhood mayboost longevity, as a study suggests those who are unhappy in their youth have agreater risk of heart disease as adults. Getting outdoors is also key, as sunlight is an important source of vitamin D. At present one in four childrenare deficient in this vitamin, which is needed for building strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D helps our bodies to absorb calcium and phosphorus from our diets. Is life expectancy in our DNA? The caps at the end of chromosomes called telomerescould indicate the life expectancy of a young bird Benefits of exercise The pressures of home and family life can make it feel like there's little time to exercise. Aside from weight loss, there is a lot to gain from exercise and it can make a huge difference to staying healthy: Exercise means a healthier heart because it reduces several cardiovascular risks, including high blood pressure and heart disease Being physically active can bolster good mental health and help you manage stress, anxiety and even depression. Regular exercise can help youachieve and maintain an ideal weight and reduce the risk of diabetes Weight bearing exercise, suchas running is especially good in promoting bone density andprotecting against osteoporosis. Health is wealth.

Mandela condition still serious on third day in hospital

Nelson Mandela remains in a serious but stable condition ashe receives intensive care fora recurrent lung infection, the South African government saidMonday. The 94-year-old anti-apartheid hero was rushed to a Pretoria hospital in the early hours of Saturday. "Former president Nelson Mandela remains in hospital, and his condition is unchanged," the presidency said in a statement. The government had described his condition as"serious but stable" on Saturday. "He is receiving intensive caretreatment," presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj, who served jail time with Mandela, told AFP. It is the fourth hospital stay in seven months for the man beloved as a global symbol of peace and forgiveness and the father of the "Rainbow Nation". And with his latest health scare, South Africans are beginning to come to terms with the mortality of their anti-apartheid hero and first black president. "He has done his part. We justpray that he recovers," said Kennedy Moraga outside a private specialist heart clinic inPretoria, where he is believed to be receiving treatment. Two of Mandela's daughters and some grandchildren were spotted on Sunday entering the facility, although the government has not confirmed it is where he is being treated. "I've seen my father and he's well. He's a fighter," Mandela's daughter Zindzi told Britain's Guardian newspaper on Sunday. Access to Mandela has been restricted to close family members in a bid to reduce therisk of further infections. In late April, President Jacob Zuma and top party officials were photographed with an unsmiling Mandela looking exceedingly frail at his Johannesburg home. The visit prompted allegations that the underfire ruling party was exploiting Mandela for political gain. The ANC -- facing 2014 elections -- has lost much of its Mandela shine amid widespread corruption, poverty and poor public services. The party and the governmenton Monday denied local media reports that they had been barred from visiting Mandela inhospital by the former leader'sentourage. "There are general restrictions that permit only relevant people to have access," said ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu. Maharaj told AFP the authorities wanted "to create aconducive environment for his recovery". "Close loved ones are going tohim for that reason, that's all, nothing else," he said. "He is receiving treatment and we want him to receive the treatment in the best condition for his family." "They would like to limit the flow of visitors. "The president will visit him when it's appropriate," he said, adding that Zuma does not want "to invade that spacewilly-nilly". Mandela, who turns 95 next month, was back in hospital two months after being discharged in April following treatment for pneumonia. He has not been seen in publicsince the World Cup final in South Africa in July 2010. "It's time to let him go," was the stark front-page headline in the Sunday Times newspaper, reflecting the mood of many in the country. "They expect him to live forever, but we can't live forever. It's impossible, we can't live forever," said Maureen Lulu, a well-wisher outside the hospital. While Twitter users expressed sadness and urgeda quick recovery, they were also prepared for the worst. "It's time to let Nelson Mandelago. He has served his country.Let him rest with dignity and a legacy that will never die," tweeted Ketha Msane. South African pulmonologist Guy Richards told AFP that recurring pneumonia was rare unless there was previous lung damage. "For example if you had tuberculosis, then often those damaged areas will be colonised with bacteria which are able to cause recurrent infections," he said. Mandela was diagnosed with early-stage tuberculosis in 1988 and also has had treatment for prostate cancer and suffered stomach ailments. In December, Mandela spent 18days in hospital, his longest stay since walking free from an apartheid prison in 1990. In March he was admitted for ascheduled overnight check-up before returning later that month for 10 days suffering from pneumonia. President Zuma in March appeared to prepare the nation for Mandela's passing, saying it "should be thinking about" his going home. After serving just one term aspresident, Mandela turned his energy to the battle against AIDS and conflict resolution, before stepping out of the public eye a decade ago at theage of 85. What do you guys think?