Wednesday 19 June 2013

Happens When Hot Charcoal Meets Liquid Oxygen

In this fascinating experiment,liquid oxygen is poured from athermos into a metal containerand then a piece of hot charcoal is dropped into the container. What happens nextis something you probably wouldn't expect...unless you are a chemist. Continue reading to see why. In commerce, liquid oxygen is classified as an industrial gas and is widely used for industrial and medical purposes. Liquid oxygen is obtained from the oxygen found naturally in air by fractional distillation in a cryogenic air separation plant.Liquid oxygen is a common liquid oxidizer propellant for spacecraft rocket applications,usually in combination with liquid hydrogen or kerosene.

Blind Man Teaches Himself to See Using Echolocation, Lives Normal Life

Daniel Kish has been completely blind ever since hewas only 13-months-old, due to an aggressive form of cancer called retinoblastoma, which attacks the retina. Doctors removed both his eyes in order to save his life and replaced them with prosthetics. Kish has never seen a tree, a car, or anotherhuman being that he can recall, but after mastering echolocation, he's now able to perfectly navigate and even describe his surroundings in close detail. Continue reading for two videos and more information. Every environment and surface has its own acoustic signature and he produces brief, sharp clicks with his tongue to identify them. The sound waves he creates travel at a speed of over 1,000 feet per second, bounceoff every object that surrounds him, and returns tohis ears at the same rate, though vastly decreased in volume, telling him exactly what everything is, and whereit's located. Daniel says there are two reasons echolocation, or FlashSonar, as he likes to callit, works so well for humans. The first is the positioning of our years on each side of the head. It's rare that we turn the wrong way when someone calls our name, because sound reaches the closer ear about a millisecond - a thousandth of a second - faster than the other, enough time for the auditory cortex toprocess the information. The second reason is our excellent hearing.

14 Cool and Fascinating (Yet True) Science Facts

Did you know that this year's closest and largest supermoon is set to occur later this week, on June 23, 2013? This full moon will not be only the closest and largest full moon of the year. It also presents the moon's closest encounter with Earth for all of 2013. The moon will not be so close again until August, 2014. Continue reading for more cool and fascinating, yet true, science facts.

Man Injects Himself with a Computer Virus, is World's First

A researcher from the U.K, Mark Gasson, has become the first person in the world to beinfected by a computer virus. Technically speaking, the chip that Gasson inserted into his hand is infected, "which one could argue keeps the virus limited to the domain of the chip even though it lives inside the man." Continue reading for the news report and more information. But Gasson, of the University of Reading's School of Systems Engineering, suggests this argument is immaterial because he is demonstrating that increasingly sophisticated medical implants will become vulnerable to computer viruses. Which means that those implants that are vital to a human's health and survival could, if corrupted, compromise the health--and potentially the survival--of the carrier.

How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy as You Age

Although it's been close to eighteen years since I dissected my first cadaver in anatomy class, I still remember being surprised when I got my first glance ata pair of kidneys - they were much smaller than I had expected. Up until that point, I had imagined the kidneys to be quite large, given the amount of work that they are responsible for. Each of your kidneys is about 4 to 5 inches long and about 1 inch thick, weighing in at about 4.5 to 5 ounces. To put it into easy-to-visualize terms, each of your kidneys is a bit larger than a deck of cards. Although your kidneys make up less than 0.5 percent of your total body weight, they receive close to 25 percent of the total amount of blood that your heart pumps while you're resting. Also, your kidneys use up about 20 to 25 percent of your body’s supply of oxygen. Please note: To listen to an audio (mp3) recording of thisarticle, please download and play the following file: How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy as You Age - Audio File Why do your kidneys – suchsmall organs – receive so much of your blood and oxygen? Because they are responsible for five critical functions: 1. Your kidneys keep your blood clean by filtering it ofwaste products and eliminating these waste products from your body as urine. 2. Your kidneys help maintaina proper balance of fluids throughout your body. 3. Your kidneys secrete a hormone called erythropoietin, which is responsible for stimulating the production of red bloodcells in your bone marrow. 4. Your kidneys produce an enzyme called renin, which is needed to help maintain your blood pressure. 5. Your kidneys convert vitamin D to its most activeform. Public domain diagram of kidneys, view from behind with spine removed - from the 20th U.S. edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, originally published in 1918Your kidneys lie above yourwaistline, just underneath the surface of your mid/low back region. Although the position of your liver causesyour right kidney to be slightly lower in your abdominal cavity than your left kidney, both kidneys arepartially protected by the lower part of your ribcage. With every beat of your heart, large amounts of blood are delivered to your kidneys via your renal arteries. Inside your kidneys, your renal arteries split up into a number of smaller branches that distribute blood to your nephrons, which are the microscopic processing units of your kidneys; you have about a million nephrons per kidney. Within each nephron, there are specialized beds of capillaries (even smaller blood vessels) called glomeruli. The glomeruli filteryour blood, and pass the filtrate on to a series of specialized tubules that are collectively known as the renal tubule – it’s in the renal tubule where urine is created. The process of creating urine is complex, but in essence, what happens is this: about a fifth of the blood that passes through each of your kidneys gets filtered by your glomeruli to enter your the renal tubules;the stuff that passes through is referred to as filtrate, which includes wastematerials, water, chloride ions, sodium ions, bicarbonate ions, glucose, potassium ions, urea, uric acid, and protein. As the filtrate travels through the renal tubule, about 99 percent of it is reabsorbed into your blood circulation - this number alone gives you a good idea of how hard your kidneys work to produce urine; of the approximately 40 gallons (150 litres) of filtrate that enters your kidneys on a daily basis, only about 1 to 2quarts (1 to 2 litres) turns into urine. The 99 percent that is reabsorbed into your circulation is how your kidneys help to maintain your body’s fluid compositionand pH level

How to Have a Good General Healthy Body

In today’s hectic world that welive in, maintaining our good health care is very important for us to keep up with today’seconomy lifestyle. All of us need to be healthy regardlessof our age or gender. In orderto be considered us as overall well being healthy, we should have a disease free body, fit and fill with abundantenergy. Follow the healthy tipsillustrate below for your general health benefits. EditSteps 1Practice healthy living styles with proper food habits and exercise. To achieve a healthy body, we cannot be lazy and lethargic. We need to work hard, both physically and mentally to be fit and healthy. Exercise and eating healthy foods is essential to promote a healthybody. 2Avoid junk foods whichmake us lethargic and dull. Check and follow your healthy weight chart for maintaining healthy weight to an optimum body weight in order to be healthy. You will stand a much higher percentage of suffering from health problems if you are overweight and obese. 3Consume a healthy diet, such as vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, lean meat. Don't forget to intake 8 glasses of liquid. Take minerals and vitamins supplement and get some healthy recipes that you prefer. Take some healthy snacks between meals. Avoid refined and junk foods. The main source for poor health and sickness is improper healthy eating habits. Many people suffer from sickness like diabetes, cancer, obesity and etc because of this. Changing your bad diet will contribute a great difference within a short period and can improve your health benefits drastically. Try to avoid smoking and heavy alcoholic drinks, moderate alcoholic drinking will benefit you.

How to Have a Good General Healthy Body

In today’s hectic world that welive in, maintaining our good health care is very important for us to keep up with today’seconomy lifestyle. All of us need to be healthy regardlessof our age or gender. In orderto be considered us as overall well being healthy, we should have a disease free body, fit and fill with abundantenergy. Follow the healthy tipsillustrate below for your general health benefits. EditSteps 1Practice healthy living styles with proper food habits and exercise. To achieve a healthy body, we cannot be lazy and lethargic. We need to work hard, both physically and mentally to be fit and healthy. Exercise and eating healthy foods is essential to promote a healthybody. 2Avoid junk foods whichmake us lethargic and dull. Check and follow your healthy weight chart for maintaining healthy weight to an optimum body weight in order to be healthy. You will stand a much higher percentage of suffering from health problems if you are overweight and obese. 3Consume a healthy diet, such as vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, lean meat. Don't forget to intake 8 glasses of liquid. Take minerals and vitamins supplement and get some healthy recipes that you prefer. Take some healthy snacks between meals. Avoid refined and junk foods. The main source for poor health and sickness is improper healthy eating habits. Many people suffer from sickness like diabetes, cancer, obesity and etc because of this. Changing your bad diet will contribute a great difference within a short period and can improve your health benefits drastically. Try to avoid smoking and heavy alcoholic drinks, moderate alcoholic drinking will benefit you.

What your sleeping style says about your relationship

Are you and your partner insync? Just look at the way you sleep.......How do you tend to lie when you fall asleep? Tonight, pay attention to theposition you naturally adopt as you drift off - and take alook at your partner, too. According to a new study, your sleeping positions offer insights into your true personalities. Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service at the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, analysed six common sleeping positions and found that each is linkedto a particular personality type. Of course, we don't stay in one sleeping position all night. We move around two to four times an hour while we sleep. However, the researchers found that people generally spent the most time in the position theyfell asleep in. So the position that matters (your "preferred sleep position") is the one that youadopt spontaneously for comfort when falling asleep. It seems that even when you're unconscious, your body language is busy sending out signals that maysurprise you. "The profile behind the posture is often very different from what we wouldexpect," said Professor Idzikowski. 1. The Foetus(preferred sleeping position for 41% of the 1,000 people surveyed) This is the characteristic womb position, where you liecurled on your side with your knees bent. Sleep researchers reckon that more than twice as many women as men tend to adopt this position, and it is thought to be the optimal posture for a good night's sleep. But what about those personality traits? Foetal sleepers tended to be tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. In dating, they're likely to be far more shy than their confident exterior suggests (sound familiar?), but they soon relax when they're in a relationship. 2. The Log(15%) These are the sleepers who lie on their side without curling up into the fetal position. Personality links between this sleeping position, tend to be of an easy-going, sociable nature.Log sleepers enjoy being part of the in-crowd, and they mingle easily with new people. They can make great partners because they don't bottle up their feelings and they get on well with your family and friends. However, their ability to socialise with anyone and everyone could leave you feeling a bit insecure at times. 3. The Yearner(13%) Sleepers who lie on their side with their arms out in front are apparently most likely to have thoughtful, committed personalities. Yearners may seem noncommittal at first, which can make them infuriating to date. But they're not sendingmixed signals - they're simply wary of rushing into anything. They make excellent long-term partners, because once they've made a commitment they stick to it. It just takes them a while to get there! 4. The Soldier(8%) Lying on your back with yourarms by your side is a far less common sleeping position than you might expect. Good thing too."Those who lie on their back may end up snoring and breathing less well during the night," he said. "It may not necessarily awaken the sleeper, but could cause a less refreshing night's sleep." And if it doesn't wake up the sleeper, it may well wake up whoever has to sleep next to them. When they're awake, however, people whosleep on their backs tend to be quiet and reserved, according to the researchers. It was also found that they set high standards for themselves and others. So if you sleep with a soldier and they snore, take some comfort from knowing that they're likely to be conscientious partners who treat you and the relationship with respect. 5. Freefall(7%) These sleepers lie on their front with their head turned to the side and their hands round the pillow. The researchers found a link with a gregarious and even brash personality - at least outwardly. Scratch the surface and you'll find someone who's nervy and thin-skinned, andwho doesn't take well to criticism. Writer Janet Kinosian, author of The Well-Rested Woman (, claims that Madonna sleeps in this position, and that it indicates "strong compulsivetendencies and stubbornness"

The £3.5million house that's set for the wrecking ball: Dilapidated home on millionaire's resort of Sandbanks has sold for record sum ... and it's all thanks to its incredible sea view

This shabby home in Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset, (centre) sold for a record price for the area of £1,725 per square foot. The property, which enjoys some astonishing sea views (left), last sold for £665,000 in 1998.The existing home has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, three reception rooms and twobalconies - but the new owners want to demolish it. The property boasts two-wayviews of picturesque Poole Harbour from the front and the sea to the rear

Serena Williams heavily criticised for blaming rape victim

The world champion is beingheavily criticized over remarks she made about thevictim of the Steubenville Ohio rape case. A 16-year-old girl who was raped by high school football players, Trent Mays and Ma'Lik Richmond, who were each sentenced to a year in juvenile jail in Marchthis year. During an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Serena blamed the girl for putting herself in a position where the boys could rape her. She said: "Do you think it was fair, what they got? (The high school football player) They did something stupid, but I don't know. I'm not blaming the girl, but if you're a 16-year-old and you're drunk like that, your parentsshould teach you: Don't take drinks from other people. She's 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn't remember? It could have been much worse. She's lucky. Obviously, I don't know, maybe she wasn't a virgin, but she shouldn't have put herself in that position, unless they slippedher something, then that's different."People were outraged by herremarks and blasted her on social media. See the Tweetsafter the cut. What do you guys think?

Couple who posed as bride & groom at age 4 still going strong at 91

Ron and Eileen Everest at age 4 (left), on their wedding day in 1943 (center) and in 2013 (right)Ron and Eileen Everest never knew a world without each other. They were born in the same hospital – he in 1921, she in 1922 – and were friends practically from birth. As 4-year-olds, they posed as bride and groom in a pretend wedding at a carnival. Later, barely out oftheir teens, they married forreal. And this year, 87 years after that old photo was taken, the one they fondly refer to as their first wedding rehearsal, the British couple are celebratingtheir platinum anniversary after 70 years of marriage. "We have been in love from the age of zero," Ron tells the Telegraph. "We were born in the same maternity hospital – we might have even been born in the same bed." It wasn't fate, necessarily. Infact, Eileen took some convincing before she eventually agreed to marry Ron in 1943. "I did not think much of Ron at all," she tells the Daily Mail. "But I did think he looked handsome in his Navy uniform. To be honest,I liked the look of the uniformmore than him." But 70 years after their wedding day, they can look back and see just how special their bond has been. "We have had our ups and downs, but we have always got on," Eileen says. Adds Ron: "We promised to love, honor and obey – and I did all the obeying." Anyway, there's no backing out now. As Eileen says: "I think we will stay together forever." Culled from People Magazine..