Monday 3 June 2013


It is possible to live a longer and healthier life Some aspects of our health and vitality are governed by our genes and how our mother behaves during pregnancy, but many lifestyle factors, including fitness, diet andweight all impact on our ability to live a long and healthy life. Start young Even before we are born, ourhealth can be affected by the lifestyle choices our mother makes. Studies have shown that if an expectant mother is highly stressed this may impact on their baby, leaving them less able to handle stress later in life. Heavy drinking during pregnancy can lead to foetal alcohol syndrome in babies - which can cause a life-long learning disability as well as physical problems. Smoking can also affect their development. Research alsosuggests a pregnant woman's diet can increase herchild's risk of obesity by changing the unborn baby's DNA. Having a happy childhood mayboost longevity, as a study suggests those who are unhappy in their youth have agreater risk of heart disease as adults. Getting outdoors is also key, as sunlight is an important source of vitamin D. At present one in four childrenare deficient in this vitamin, which is needed for building strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D helps our bodies to absorb calcium and phosphorus from our diets. Is life expectancy in our DNA? The caps at the end of chromosomes called telomerescould indicate the life expectancy of a young bird Benefits of exercise The pressures of home and family life can make it feel like there's little time to exercise. Aside from weight loss, there is a lot to gain from exercise and it can make a huge difference to staying healthy: Exercise means a healthier heart because it reduces several cardiovascular risks, including high blood pressure and heart disease Being physically active can bolster good mental health and help you manage stress, anxiety and even depression. Regular exercise can help youachieve and maintain an ideal weight and reduce the risk of diabetes Weight bearing exercise, suchas running is especially good in promoting bone density andprotecting against osteoporosis. Health is Wealth.

Boko Haram

US places $23m reward for Boko Haram leader, Shekau, 4 others The US today Monday June 3rd posted up to $23 million in rewards to help track down five leaders of militant groups accused of spreadingterror in west Africa. The highest reward of $7 million is offered for the Boko Haram leader AbubakarShekau, who last week calledon Islamists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq to join the bloody fight to create an Islamic state in Nigeria. The US State Department’s Rewards for Justice programalso targeted Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), offering its first ever bounties for wanted militantsin west Africa. Up to $5 million was posted for Al-Qaeda veteran Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the one-eyed Islamist behind thedevastating attack on an Algerian gas plant in Januaryin which 37 foreigners, including three Americans, were killed. A further $5 million was offered for top AQIM leader Yahya Abou Al-Hammam, reportedly involved in the 2010 murder of an elderly French hostage in Niger. Malik Abou Abdelkarim, a senior fighter with AQIM, andOumar Ould Hamaha, the spokesman for Mali’s Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO),were also targeted by the rewards program, which will give up to $3 million each forinformation leading to their arrests. Source: AFP

Can a teenager be inlove?

Friends from our childhood or adolescence are special, no matter how much time has elapsed between visits. These compelling connections are the resultof shared roots during the formative years. Our childhood friends and teenage sweethearts experienced with us all the wonderful, horrible, boring, and embarrassingmoments that helped to make us who we are today. Yet, when children are young, parents may regard these relationships as insignificant. If the family must move to a new community and the children's close friends must be left behind, so what? They will make newfriends, the parents assure them. But, is a friend as interchangeable as a new toy for an old one, or is there more to friendship than that? Whyare we so elated to rediscover long lost friends in our adult yearsif, as some parents believe, they were so dispensable to us as children? Even more belittled by many parents is a teenager's (or preteen's) love for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Adults refer to these relationships with demeaning language, calling them "just puppy love," and these romanticbonds are not taken seriously. Parents question the ability of teenagers to know what love is, yet they accept their teenagers' statements, "I love you, Mom & Dad," with full appreciation and at face value. If adults accept that teenagers can love parents truly, then shouldn't they also acceptthat teen romances are"real" love? Recreational dating is relatively new. Teenagersmany years ago married their first sweethearts right out of high school. These men and women of the World War II Generation married at younger ages than their Baby Boomer children or their Generation X or Millennial grandchildren. But education has becomeprolonged, so marriage islater. The age of puberty, however, has dropped. Whatever the reasons for this, reaching pubertyinfluences the age of firstlove and first sexual experience. It is rare nowto marry a first love. Today's teenagers date not for mate selection but for fun. However, the firstlove experience is no less powerful than it was in the 1940's. Adults who underestimate the strength of the bond-- or the impact of the loss -- of a first lovemay have forgotten what a blow it was when they lost their own first loves. They may even try to comfort teenagers with lighthearted lessons: a surprising number of men and women wrote to me tobitterly complain about parents who joked years ago, "Don't worry! Boyfriends/girlfriends arelike buses... a new one comes along every ten minutes!" This was not helpful, and it was not funny. The loss of a first love can be so crushing to some teenagers that they become suicidal. The pain of the breakup will subside with time, but the love may stay buried and dormant for decades. While most men and women find satisfying partners after first love breakups, there are adults who spend their married years aware that"something is missing." They continue to think about their lost first loves. Perhaps if they had married their first loves when they were younger, they tell me, they could have formed lasting and fulfilling marriages, but they will never know. These romances were interrupted - often by their parents' interference. In my recent survey of 1600 people (who had never tried a reunion witha lost love), ages 18 to 92, 56% of the participants said they would not want to go backto their first loves, 19% were not sure -- but 25%said they would! Even the adults who had no current interest in their first loves, includingthose who had only bitter memories, revealed that these early romances influenced their life-long attitudes about love, and even about themselves. The longer I study lost loves and lost love reunions, the clearer it becomes to me how important young love really is. First love, young love, is indeed reallove. This intense love does not come along every ten minutes. For some people, it may come only once in a lifetime.

Dragon history

This article is about the legendary creature. For other uses, seeDragon (disambiguation).Dragon Sculpture of Mario the Magnificent, dragon mascot ofDrexel University, US.MythologyEurope and East AsiaGroupingMythologyHabitatMountains, seas, skiesSimilar creaturesSirrush,Basilisk,Wyvern,QilinCarved imperial Chinese dragons atNine-Dragon Wall,Beihai Park,BeijingDragon effigy, theGraoully, inMetz,France Adragonis alegendary creature, typically withserpentineorreptiliantraits, that features in themythsof many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: theEuropean dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and theChinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries. The two traditions may have evolved separately, but have influenced each other to a certain extent, particularly with the cross-cultural contact of recent centuries. The English word"dragon"derives fromGreekδράκων(drákōn), "dragon, serpent of huge size, water-snake".

Drinking water on empty stomach

This Might Save Someone's Life. Drink Water On Empty Stomach . . . . . It is Popular in Japan today to Drink water immediately after Waking up Every Morning. Furthermore, Scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below aDescription of use of Water for our rRaders. For old andSerious Diseases aswell as Modern illnesses the Water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese Medical Society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: Headache, Body Ache, Heart System, Arthritis, Fast Heart Beat, Epilepsy, Excess Fatness, Bronchitis Asthma, TB, Meningitis, Kidney and Urine Diseases, Vomiting, Gastritis, Diarrhea, Piles, Diabetes, Constipation, all Eye Diseases, Womb, CancerAnd Menstrual Disorders, Ear Nose and Throat Diseases. METHOD OF TREATMENT 1. As you Wake up in the Morning Before brushing teeth, Drink 4 x 160ml Glasses of Water 2. Brush and Clean the mouthbut don't Eat or Drink Anything for 45 Minutes. 3. After 45 Minutes you May Eat and Drink as Normal. 4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, Lunch and Dinner do not Eat or Drink anything for 2 Hours 5. Those who are old or Sickand are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and Gradually increase it to 4 Glasses Perday. 6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life. The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases: 1. High Blood Pressure (30 days) 2. Gastric (10 days) 3. Diabetes (30 days) 4. Constipation (10 days) 5. Cancer (180 days) 6. TB (90 days) 7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.


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Villagers flee as Fulani herdsmen invade Plateau community

Culle from punch newspaper. Residents of Gwande in Manguna district of Bokkos Local Government Area of Plateau state have fled their homes following the invasion of their community by gunmen suspected to be Fulani herdsmen. The incident came at the same time as some Fulani herdsmen attacked Bende community in Gashish district of Barakin Ladi local council, killing two. The attackers also destroyed farmlands and uprooted farm crops. In the same vein, the same attackers also invaded Tawala village, killing one person and burning many houses.


Happy New Month to all Eagleclopedia fans out there. Welcome to the month of June,the month of June signifies success. You shall succeed in all your endeavours in this month of success. Stay glue to this blog because lot of exciting stories will be coming your way in this month of success. Eagleclopedia fans are for Signs and Wonders. Once again, Happy New Month.