Sunday 16 June 2013

First British patient to undergo astonishing new op that leaves no scar

Victoria Newlove first woman in UK to keyhole surgery hysterectomy *. Op is performed through a single incision in patient's belly button By Alice Smellie

British scientists discover a new part of the human body - hidden deep in the eye

Nottingham researchers found the new layer - which is just 0.001 mm thick - within the cornea, the clear window at the front of the eye *.Called 'Dua's Layer', it could dramatically improve corneal graft treatments *.The previously undetected layer could explain a myriad of eye diseases By Nicola Rowe. Time to re-write the textbooks.

Star Wars-style planets with TWOSUNS are more capable of housing alien life than those which orbit a single star

Astronomy student Joni Clark created simulations of a variety of so-called binary systems - solar systems with two suns - to see how far habitable zones within them could spread *.This is because the twosuns orbit each other and create a safe zone which reduces the threat to those planets from solar winds *.This gives those planets within such binary systems more potential to be habitable than those in single sun set-ups By Victoria Woollaston

'OMG, it's William and Harry!' Excited Royal fan is almost overcome after she snaps the princes on her phone at celebrity polo match

As Royal spotting goes, this enthusiastic young woman hassurely scored gold with her picture of both Princes Harry and William. What she lacked in subtlety, she more than made up for in enthusiasm as she quickly snapped the brothers at the International Audi Polo in Beaufort, Gloucestershire, this afternoon.

Mandela: our hero and our neighbour

Long before Nelson Mandela's persistent ill health, Kekana Mangqwambi would drop in on his famous neighbour and rib the revered icon about his love life. The 92-year-old, Mandela's junior by just two years, met South Africa's first black leader after he returned to his childhood village Qunu once freed from an apartheid jail. "We used to spend time together. I normally arrived at night," said Mangqwambi sittingoutside a thatched mud hut in the winter sun. "I used to say "vuka sishumani ndini" (wake up manwith no girlfriend) and he would wake up, laugh, stand up and shake hands. Then I would sit down and we would chat the entire night." To the world, Nelson Mandela is a near-mythical peacesymbol who reconciled a fractured nation after decades of apartheid. Here in Qunu's gentle hills, he is no less a hero. But he is also a neighbour and fellow villager. "He's not my friend, he's more than a friend to me. He's like my brother," said Mangqwambi, who went on his first helicopter ride with Mandela. Despite being one of the world's most recognisable faces, Mandela was always down to earth. "You will never realise even if you came while we werestaying together that he is important," Mangqwambi told AFP. Stories tell of Mandela walking through the village's scattered homesteads with no airs and graces --no matter whom he met. "He's a hero," said Masiviwe Geledwana, who described him as "somebody like a god" who was incomparable to someone like himself.

Google launches BALLOONS in bid to bring wi-fi internet to the remotest places on Earth

Thirty of the experimental balloons were released near Lake Tekapo on New Zealand's South Island this week *.Google is trying to work out a way to give affordable internet access to the 4.8billionpeople who cannot get online *.The helium-filled balloons will sail on thewind 12 miles above Earth, inflating to 49ft in diameter

The shorts and sleeping bag thatmean you’ll neverrun out of mobile battery again - because they're powered by your body heat

Smart materials in the Power Shorts use kinetic energy created by the wearer's movements to charge mobile phones *.Modules attached to the fabric of the Recharge Sleeping Bagcapture thermal energy from a sleeper's body to create an electric charge *.Products have been developed by Vodafoneand Southampton University By Victoria Woollaston

Best Athlete Tweets Of The Week

From the NBA Finals and the French Open final to the season finale of Game Of Thrones, there was plenty of quality programming on television this week. Like the rest of us, prominent athletes were riveted -- and commenting on Twitter. As per usual, the top athlete tweets ranged insightful to bewildering, with references ranging from Craigslist roommates to the latest summer blockbusters. At least one athlete flirted with Kate Upton while another sent out a defiant message after being sentenced to 30 days in jail. Troublingly, one of the sports world's Twitter all-stars briefly quit the social media platform. Thankfully, his absence didn't last very long. We've once again scoured our timeline from the past week to bring you what we believe to be the best of the best that athletes have to offer via Twitter. Let us know which athlete you believe had this week's best tweet.

'Hypnosis revealed I killed the farmer who raped me,' Extraordinary claim of woman, 64, who has been questioned by police about 'crime which took place 37 years ago'

Janet Holt, 64, claims she killed farmer Fred Handford, then 56, in 1976 *. Decades on, she underwent intensive therapy which brought memories back *. She claims she shot and buried Mr Handford on Ball Beard Farm in Buxton *. Extensive police searches have not found his body and case remains open

Sex education needs to show teenagers abusive 'porn' sex is not normal, says Tory MP

Violent pornography is promoting abnormal relationships, according to a Tory MP Former GP Sarah Wollaston said many young women felt pressurised to have sex and she supported a Labour amendment to the Children and Families Bill, which would also have prevented parents from withdrawing their children from personal, social and health education after theage of 15. The amendment to the Bill,which had been tabled by Labour MP Stella Creasy, was defeated in the House of Commons this evening by 303 votes to 219. Earlier today, Dr Wollaston urged colleagues to support the amendment to help improve access to sex and relationship education, as in many cases some young men thought women enjoyed violent sex and are confused about what constitutes consent. She said: "Disturbingly as well, very many young women as well are being pressured in to accepting these deeply abnormal relationships, often very violent. "Although, I completely accept that there are very many parents that wish to take on this role and deliver very sensitive teaching in a home environment about relationships, let's be absolutely clear that this is just simply not happening for very many young girls. "If we look at the outrages we have seen recently in Oxford and in too many of our towns where young women are being preyed on by violent men, very much older men, and put in a position where they have no training or understanding or that it isall right to say no or an understanding of how to say no. "Too often there are not the people there that theycan confide in. I would put it to this House that absolutely we need to have sex and relationship education on our curriculum because if it is not there, it will not happen.

Man broke into woman's home, beat her up and tried to steal her computer 'because she had hacked another woman's Facebook'

Stephen Smith warned prison 'inevitable' afterleaving Donna Green battered *.Attack occurred after Ms Green hacked into another woman's Facebook account *.Ms Green sent messages on Facebook posing as other woman By Matt Wes

Readers are better thinkers, according to new research

Research from the University of Toronto found that people who had just read a short story were able to think less rigidly and were more comfortable with disorder and uncertainty *.People who are regular readers also appeared to be more creative thinkers and less prone to snap judgements *.The study suggested reading literary fiction is a way to become more open-minded By Alex Greig

Is size 16 'normal' - or a serious danger? These women areall Britain's most common dress size, so you'd expect them to be healthy, but a battery of medical tests came up with surprising and worrying results *.

The average size for a British woman is a curvy 16 *.Nearly half of UK women are a dress size 16 or above *. Test of four 'average size' women revealed serious health problems

Daughter, 18, cuts off her father's head after he raped her in their Papua New Guinea village home

Father raped daughter overnight while rest of family were away *. Village forms 'protective ring' around girl because 'evil' father deserved to die *. It comes as Papua New Guinea brings back death penalty for serious crimes B

The happiest place on Earth? Inside Walt Disney's luxury estate with underground RAILROAD that inspired him to build Disneyland

Walt Disney's personal pride and joy, the estate he last called home and the property which was the inspiration for Disneyland - has gone on salefor a whopping $90million. The Carolwood Estate is considered the birthplace of the1955 theme parkand is the place where Disney imagined the vast expansion of his animation company into amusement parks. In 1950 the mogul builta one-eighth-scale backyard steam train around the estate's grounds - it is still evident at the Los Angeles property today with a tiny doorway into one of its underground tunnels. It was enjoyment of his personal train line that convinced Disney to develop rides and an amusement park fans could visit. Disney and his wife Lillian saidthe property onCarolwood Drive, in Holmby Hills, was their 'dream home' and it soonbecame known as the Old Disney Estate. A steam enthusiast, Walt Disney, soon got carried awaywith his pet project on the grounds, developing a huge control room in a barn as he expanded the train's route, twists and turns until it became known as the Carolwood Pacific Railroad.

Hassan Rouhani is Iran's next president after appealing to tradition, reform

Iranian centrist candidate Hassan Rouhani won the Islamic republic's presidential election Saturday after campaigning on a "hope and prudence" platform in which he appealed to traditional conservatives and reform-minded voters alike. Rouhani spoke of reforms without threatening Iran's supreme leader or its institutions of which he is product. The former nationalsecurity council chief promised an environment with greater personal freedoms and even indicated he would free political prisoners and jailedjournalists. In his stumping, he also pledged to improve the economy and unemployment,and as a former nuclear negotiator, he said he wouldreduce the high tension between Iran and the outside world by addressingsanctions related to Iran's nuclear program. On Saturday, Iranians were dancing in the streets after his victory. In a sign of how the West is interested in how much change Rouhani could bring to Iran, the British Foreign Office immediately called upon him to set a new course for the country. "We call on him to use the opportunity to set Iran on a different course for the future: addressing international concerns aboutIran's nuclear programme, taking forward a constructive relationship with the international community, and improving the political and human rights situation for the people of Iran," a Foreign Office spokesman said. High turnout reported Iranian officials reported a high turnout, with nearly 73% of some 50 million registered voters -- men and women, young and old -- turning out, Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar announced Saturday. The lines extended into the streets at times Friday, as voters waited to pick their choice to succeed two-term President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the country's11th presidential election. Rouhani takes Ahmadinejad's mantle as oneof the country's most visiblefigures, at a time when it's dealing with painful economicsanctions tied to international concern about its nuclear program. Culled from CNN.