Tuesday 18 June 2013


Even after being a good sleeper for over 75 years, you can suddenly develop severe insomniaout of the blue. It can hit anyone and anyage. Surprisingly, one in every three people complain about insomnia. Not only is this the inability to fall asleep, but it also involves not being able to stay asleep or continually waking up earlier than planned. Here's how to practice techniques to help you win the fight and be insomnia-free. EditSteps 1 Go to bedand get upatthe same time every night (including weekends). Keep the same routineevery night at bedtime. Brush teeth, take a bath, change into night clothing, say good-night to your family, turn off the lights in exactly the same order every night. 2Avoid getting into conversation, an argument, upsetting news or talk shows, and do not make a late-night list of all the unfinished worries for tomorrow. 3Get a check-up from your physician. Your insomnia could be the result ofa medical problem or chemical imbalance. For example, a mildcase of something such as bipolardisorder can cause periods of "cycling" insomnia without causing mood swings. 4Explore potential causes. Insomnia is considered a symptom of an underlying condition, which may or may not be easy to identify. The most common root causes are tension, anxietyand depression. Other causes could be pain, major illnesses, medications, dietary and lifestyle factors, environmental factors, or justa bad mattress. Trying to find the underlying cause to your sleep problems is the best way to finding a cure. 5Avoid the following forup to six hours before bedtime: Alcoholmay help you relaxin the short term, however, chronic use can lead to insomnia and even a small amount can cause disruptive and fitful sleep and early wakening. Caffeineis a stimulant found inmany common substances including coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate and many medicines. Obviously anystimulantis going to make sleeping harder. And, you will probably wake sooner or more often. Nicotine, most commonly foundin tobacco products, is a verypowerful drug that can act as either a stimulant or a depressant, depending on thesetof the person taking it. As a stimulant nicotine can be highly disruptive to sleep patterns. Avoid beverages that contain ginseng, Guarana, kola or cola nut, and ginger. Heavy meals: eating a great meal soon before attempting to sleep can be awkward. Food creates energy, and energy keeps you awake. In addition falling asleep before fully digesting a large meal can cause indigestion, heartburnand fitful sleep. Inversely, going to bed hungrycan also contribute to restlessness. 6 Exercisevigorously at least thirty minutes sometime during the day. Walkingis excellent. Just don't exercise within three hours of bedtime. 7Try to get at least one hour of direct sunlight each day. This may be difficult in winteror bad weather, but the proper amount of sunlight regulates the body's "sleep-wake" cycle. 8Try natural sleep aids: this is rather than drugging yourself with sleeping pillsin order to have a more natural sleep cycle:

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