Thursday 27 June 2013

Nelson Mandela ison life support and 'family has the option to switch off', claim South African sources

In South Africa's Eastern Cape province, where Mandela grewup, a traditional leader said the time was near for Mandela, who is also known by his clan name, Madiba. 'I am of the view that if Madiba is no longer enjoying life, and is on life support systems, and is not appreciating what is happening around him, I think the good Lord should take the decision to put him out of his suffering,' said the tribal chief, Phathekile Holomisa. 'I did speak to two of his family members, and of course, they are in a lot of pain, and wish that a miracle might happen, that he recovers again, and he becomes his old self again,' hesaid. 'But at the same time they are aware there is a limit to what miracles you can have.' A South African newspaper has also reportedthe anti-Apartheid icon is on life support,citing numerous sources close to the family. The Citizen newspaper says Mandela has a team of doctors supporting him at a Pretoria hospital. One source was quoted as saying that Mr Mandela's family had the option to switch off the ventilator. South African President Jacob Zuma cancelled a trip to neighbouring Mozambique, intensifying speculation about the deterioration of Mandela's life. Zuma made his decision not to leave the country after visiting the 94-year-old late yesterday in the Pretoria hospital where he has been receiving treatment for a lung infection for nearly three weeks. 'Clearly the issue of seriousness has been such that President Jacob Zuma hascancelled his trip,' presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj told Talk Radio 702. He declined to comment on reports that Mandela was on life support, saying: 'I cannot confirm any clinical details.'CNNalso reported that the former president could no longer breathe unaided, quotingan official who 'had been briefed in detail on his condition'. George Bizos, one of Mr Mandela's closest friends and his former lawyer, told The Daily Telegraph that they had never discussed his wishes towards the end of hislife.'We can only hope for the best, and that is what the doctors decide to do,' he said.'I am sure that the members ofthe family are discussing the matter with the doctors but it should probably be primarily the doctors in consultation with the family if the situation is critical.' Last night a leading clergyman visited Nelson Mandela's bedside to offer prayers for his 'peaceful, perfect end'. Thabo Makgoba, the Archbishop of Cape Town, issued an emotional statement asking that the former president of South Africa, whois in a critical condition, be released from pain and suffering. However, Mr Mandela apparently opened his eyes and smiled when he was told about Barack Obama's forth coming visit to the country, according to his daughter. Mr Makgoba posted a message on Facebook asked for courage to be granted to Mr Mandela's wife, Graca Machel, and others who love him 'at this hard time of watching and waiting'. He added: 'May your blessing rest upon Madiba now and always. Grant him, we pray, a quiet night and a peaceful, perfect, end.'Uphold all of us with your steadfast love so that we maybe filled with gratitude for all the good that he has done forus and for our nation, and may honour his legacy through our lives.' The 94-year-old statesman isin a critical condition in hospital in Pretoria, but nonetheless was able to showhis pleasure at hearing of the U.S. President's visit. Mr Obama is believed to be keen to meet Mr Mandela, but given the delicate condition of the African leader he will not do so unless he is invited by the Mandela family. Visit: Mr Mandela's ex-wife Winnie, centre, and daughter Zindzi, right, arrive at the hospital today Relatives: The leader's grandchildren Ndaba, left, and Nkileka, right, also paid visits to him today That prospect appeared to bemore likely yesterday after MrMandela's daughter Zindzi described how she told her father that Mr Obama would betouring South Africa. After she told him 'Obama is coming,' she said, 'He opened his eyes and gave me a smile.' The U.S. President is travelling to Senegal today and will arrive in South Africa on Friday during his second trip to Africa since taking office. Mr Mandela has been in hospital being treated for a lung infection since June 8, and over the weekend his condition was downgraded from 'serious' to 'critical'.

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