Sunday 16 June 2013

Sex education needs to show teenagers abusive 'porn' sex is not normal, says Tory MP

Violent pornography is promoting abnormal relationships, according to a Tory MP Former GP Sarah Wollaston said many young women felt pressurised to have sex and she supported a Labour amendment to the Children and Families Bill, which would also have prevented parents from withdrawing their children from personal, social and health education after theage of 15. The amendment to the Bill,which had been tabled by Labour MP Stella Creasy, was defeated in the House of Commons this evening by 303 votes to 219. Earlier today, Dr Wollaston urged colleagues to support the amendment to help improve access to sex and relationship education, as in many cases some young men thought women enjoyed violent sex and are confused about what constitutes consent. She said: "Disturbingly as well, very many young women as well are being pressured in to accepting these deeply abnormal relationships, often very violent. "Although, I completely accept that there are very many parents that wish to take on this role and deliver very sensitive teaching in a home environment about relationships, let's be absolutely clear that this is just simply not happening for very many young girls. "If we look at the outrages we have seen recently in Oxford and in too many of our towns where young women are being preyed on by violent men, very much older men, and put in a position where they have no training or understanding or that it isall right to say no or an understanding of how to say no. "Too often there are not the people there that theycan confide in. I would put it to this House that absolutely we need to have sex and relationship education on our curriculum because if it is not there, it will not happen.

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