Friday 21 June 2013

Hackers 'using webcams to spy on people in their own homes'

Computer hackers have been gaining access to users' webcams and spying on their victims in their own homes, an investigation has found. A BBC Radio 5 Liveprobe uncovered an underground market for selling footage of people who have been filmed without their knowledge through a process known as 'ratting'. Hackers involved in this practise usually target young women, but the report also states that Paedophiles have used the technique to target children. Victims - referred to as 'slaves' - are tricked into installing a rogue piece of software called a remote administration tool (RAT), which is usually disguised as alink to download music, view pictures or access an article. The sender is granted access to theuser's computer, including its webcam, if the rogue programme is successfully installed. Computer security experts have offeredadvice on how users can protect themselves against ratting, suggesting that webcams be covered up when not in use and all PCs equipped with anti-virus software. Tony Neate, of the Government's Get Safe Online campaign, said: "As more cases of "ratting" come to light, there is a serious need to educate the public about the methods hackers use to access the private lives of innocent people. "The most at-risk computers are those running older software, and those without up-to-date anti-virus software installed." Gaining remote accessto another person's machine without their knowledge is a criminal offence underthe terms of the Computer Misuse Act

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